DMX as Hosted Service
Choose from our range of managed hosting services with professional server maintenance. We utilize data centers operating within the European Union and the services run on renewable energy only.

1 user
Free individual account on our shared community platform myDMX
- Limited sharing modes
- Pre-selected plugins

up to 10 users
Professional account for personal, team and workgroup use
- Up to 4 sharing modes
- Up to 5 additional plugins
- File upload up to 5GB
- AGPL licensing only
*starting from €3,50 per month

more than 10 users
Professional account for small/medium business and enterprises
- Unlimited sharing modes
- Unlimited plugins
- File upload up to 50GB
- Proprietary licensing possible
- Individual support
- Hosting under your domain possible
*starting from €17,40 per month
Choose package ...DMX self-hosted
You are free to host your own instance of DMX. We offer a Dual Licensing Scheme.
Free and Open Source
DMX is Free and Open Source software licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License [AGPL]. It is free to use, to modify and to extend under the terms and conditions of this license. This version of DMX is provided without warranties or guarantees.
Download DMXProprietary license
If you want to use DMX in combination with one of our or your own proprietary plugins we do provide a proprietary license for non-free applications. Contact our sales department to negotiate the terms and conditions depending on your individual usecase.
Talk to usProfessional Services
The DMX platform can be your choice for a wide range of use cases. Depending on your skills you will get very far on your own. We provide comprehensive training material in our Learn-Section. If things get more complex you may appreciate our services. We currently offer consultancy, trainings and the development of custom solutions.

Find out in a 1/2 day workshop if DMX is the right fit for you. Our experienced team of business analysts and knowledge engineers is here for you.

Introduction to the basics of data modelling with DMX for your in-house experts. Learn how DMX can enhance your project in a 1 day training.

Software Development
With individual plugin development we optimize your knowledge-based business processes using the DMX platform.