Add features to the DMX platform
Plugins can be installed optionally and add features to the DMX platform. Select one of the plugins listed below to download or get more information about it.
The platform documentation expands on how to install plugins.
DMX Webclient Extensions
Connectors and Backend Extensions
Want to develop your own plugin?
Have a look at the following resources:
Please refer to our documentation or contact us if you have any questions.
Want to see your plugin listed here?
If you have already developed your own plugin – Please share it!
We’ll help you with the details. Please get in touch with us!
DMX Tableview
Plugin-Version: 0.4.4
Required Platform Version: DMX 5.2
License: AGPLv3
DMX Geomaps
Plugin-Version: 0.4.0
Required Platform Version: DMX 5.2
License: AGPLv3
DMX Mobile
Plugin-Version: 0.3.1
Required Platform Version: DMX 5.1
License: AGPLv3
DMX Webpages
Plugin-Version: 0.8.2
Required Platform Version: DMX 5.2
License: AGPLv3
Dependencies: Thymeleaf Plugin
DMX Notifications
Plugin-Version: 2.0.0
Required Platform Version: DMX 5.1
License: AGPLv3
Dependencies: Thymeleaf Plugin
DMX Little Helpers
Plugin-Version: 0.6.1
Required Platform Version: DMX 5.2
License: AGPLv3
DMX DITA Toolkit
Plugin-Version: 0.2
Required Platform Version: DMX 5.0
License: AGPLv3
DMX Import Export
Plugin-Version: 0.9.1
Required Platform Version: DMX 5.1
License: AGPLv3
Dependencies: Upload Dialog (for Imports).
DMX Images
Plugin-Version: 1.2.0
Required Platform Version: DMX 5.1
License: AGPLv3
Dependencies: Upload Dialog Plugin
DMX Upload Dialog
Plugin-Version: 1.0.3
Required Platform Version: DMX 5.2
License: AGPLv3
Plugin-Version: 0.5.3
Required Platform Version: DMX 5.2
License: AGPLv3
DMX Sendmail
Plugin-Version: 2.0.2
Required Platform Version: DMX 5.2
License: AGPLv3
Plugin-Version: 1.2 Required Platform Version: DMX 5.2 License: AGPLv3 Dependencies: File Upload or Upload Dialog (Online users only) DOWNLOAD | SOURCE CODE | DOCUMENTATION DMX CSV
DMX Thymeleaf
Plugin-Version: 0.9.3
Required Platform Version: DMX 5.2
License: AGPLv3
DMX Cooking
Plugin-Version: 0.3
Required Platform Version: DMX 5.1
License: AGPLv3
Dependencies: Biblio (to add books as sources)
DMX Biblio
Plugin-Version: 0.4
Required Platform Version: DMX 5.2
License: AGPLv3
DMX Sign-up
Plugin-Version: 2.0.1
Required Platform Version: DMX 5.2
License: AGPLv3
Dependencies: Thymeleaf, Sendmail